Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Support You

A post just popped up on my timeline titled;

I Support You: The Conversation We Should Be Having about Breastfeeding and Formula.

I am facing this right now. As a breastfeeding mommy, I feel that my time is coming to an end and might possibly have to lean towards another supplement for Leo. 

Every mom makes their own choices, choices that they make for their babies. They do what they think is right. It has become frowned upon when Mothers choose formula over breastfeeding. It is frowned upon when mothers breastfeed in public. We should all support one another in whatever choice we decide.

A quote from the article;

"I've been to the jagged edge of each feeding choice. I have nourished both of my children in the best way that I could, pleading each week with the scale in the doctor's office, praying for just a few more ounces. My superpower isn't my milk, it's my steadfast love for both of my boys. It's my determination to heal them, to grow them, to go to the ends of the earth for them. That is my superpower. That is my strength."
Now Huffpost is coming together to start a discussion for Mothers whether you breast feed or formula feed.
So as this month begins, and sites like HuffPost Parents fill with discussions of breastfeeding, three bloggers have joined together under the banner “I Support You.” The three cover the whole of the nurse-or-not spectrum: Simon, who has written about her different paths with each of her children here on HuffPost and on her blogMama by the Bay; Suzanne Barston, who blogs at Fearless Formula Feeder and is the author of “Bottled Up: How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood, and Why It Shouldn’t”; and Jamie-Lynne Grumet, who you probably saw on the much discussed cover of Time Magazine last year nursing her 4-year-old son, and who blogs at I Am Not The Babysitter.

Visit this link for the info. 


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